allied organizations

Here are a list and profiles of some organizations allied with the Shore Democrats.

We urge club members to contact or join those of particular interest
to foster greater understanding of one another's programs.


38th District

38th District
Democratic Committee

Eric E. West, Chair



What is the 38th District Democratic Committee and how does its work differ from that of the Shore Democrats?

The Shore Democrats' service area includes Delaware's 38th District. While the club conducts educational activities and financially assists candidates, the committee is officially designated by the state and county Democratic parties "to support the mission and goals of the national, state and Sussex County Democratic Party and to work for the election of Democrats to public offices at the national, state and local levels." 



The committee’s most prominent public role is to organize election activities in the eight local election precincts that form the 38th Representative District.

It also holds an annual fundraiser, Picnic in the Park.

Interested Democrats are welcome to join the committee. Application may be made to Chairman Eric West (see information at left)

The public is invited to attend committee meetings, held at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach, at 7:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.

Picnic in the Park, the annual fundraiser of the 38th District Democratic Committee.

Picnic in the Park, the annual fundraiser of the 38th District Democratic Committee.

Sussex County Democratic Party

Mohammad Akhter, Chair,, 302 604-7523  


Sussex County
Democratic Party
10 West Pine Street
Georgetown, DE

Our county party is a subdivision of the statewide Delaware Democratic Party. It encourages candidates, organizes biannual campaign activities, and coordinates the work of volunteers.

Executive Committee

Chair  Mohammad Akhter  
Vice Chair     Jane Hovington
Recording Secretary     
Peg Green   
Secretary-Communications    Paulette Rappa     
Treasurer     Rita Hughes     
At-Large     Carol Ballato     
Parliamentarian     Tim Willard     


RD Chairs

14th RD:  Leslie Ledogar

20th RD:  Kerry Thalheim

35th RD:  Marcel Hayes

36th RD:  Paul Hayes (no relation)

37th RD:  Paulette Rappa

38th RD:  Mohammad Akhter

39th RD:  Jeff Benson

40th RD:  Chris Calio

41st RD:  Vanessa DeLoach





Sussex Democratic Party chairman Mitch Crane (right) with candidate Shirley Price and Democratic activist John Workman.

Sussex Democratic Party chairman Mitch Crane (right) with candidate Shirley Price and Democratic activist John Workman.

Delaware Democratic Party

John D. Daniello, Chair


DelDems logo.jpg

State Party Chair
John D. Daniello

State Party Vice Chairs
Lisa Goodman
Jim Hussey

State Treasurer
Representative Helene Keeley

State Secretary
Linda Cavanaugh

National Committeeman
Speaker Bob Gilligan

National Committeewoman
Karen Valentine

Subdivision Chairs
City of Wilmington: Theo Gregory Sr.
New Castle County: Elizabeth Maron
Kent County: John Mancus
Sussex County: Mitch Crane



Subdivision Treasurers
City of Wilmington: Lynne Fuller
New Castle County: Kristin Barnekov-Short
Kent County: Jody Sweeney
Sussex County: Rita Hughes

At-Large Members
City of Wilmington: Darius Brown
New Castle County: J.J. Johnson, Jim Paoli, Erik Raser-Schramm, Renee Taschner
Kent County: Steve Johnson
Sussex County: Carl Ballato

State at-Large: Maria Cabrera, Cerron Cade, Eli Turkel

The State Executive Committee also includes a nonvoting parliamentarian.



Progressive Democrats of Sussex County

Joanne Cabry




The Progressive Democrats encourages concrete, practical action. It supports progressive causes and works with other organizations to support a Delaware Progressive Coalition. It also works within the county and state Democratic parties to ensure that the progressive voice is heard.


The Progressive Democrats helped launch the 2014 Unity march in Georgetown.

The Progressive Democrats helped launch the 2014 Unity march in Georgetown.

"We welcome all Democrats who want to be part of an active grassroots organization."

Barbara Gittings Delaware Stonewall Democrats: 

Peter Schott, Sussex County Coordinator,, 202 425-0579

Barbara Gittings Delaware Stonewall Democrats
P.O. Box 102
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

This group's goals are:

1. Support legislative initiatives protecting and enhancing the rights of the LGBT community

2. Build bridges to Delaware Democratic Party leaders and elected officials

3. Ensure LGBT inclusion in all aspects of the Delaware Democratic Party



4. Build coalitions with other groups in support of our issues

5. Serve as a media resource for LGBT issues in Delaware

6. Educate the public and elected officials on issues important to our community

Congressman John Carney speaks at a 2013 Stonewall Democrats event.

Congressman John Carney speaks at a 2013 Stonewall Democrats event.

Eastern Sussex Democratic Club

Lise Haupt, President,, 202 841-4013





Like the Shore Democrats in the 38th District, the Eastern Sussex Democrats hold lunches and support their local candidates in the 14th and surrounding districts.


Eastern Sussex Dems:

Pres.  Lise Haupt, ,, 202 841-4013

VP – Joe Sakaduski,

Treasurer – Dick Byrne

Secretary – Eileen Rosenthal,



Sussex County Women's Democrat Club

Stacie Bourton, Pres., 302 344-5724



The SCWDC raises money to contribute to Democratic candidate campaigns. It meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Sussex Democratic Party headquarters, 10 West Pine Street, Georgetown, at 6:00 p.m. Monthly meetings include speakers who focus on issues in Sussex County.  Dues are $15 per year. Membership is open to all regardless of gender.

A rally for the county's women candidates in 2014 took place along Indian River Bay and featured Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden.

A rally for the county's women candidates in 2014 took place along Indian River Bay and featured Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden.


Progressive Democrats of Delaware: Nancy Willing, Chair,


College Democrats
University of Delaware
Primary Contact:
Alanna Mozeik

Delaware Young Democrats
Primary Contact: Eli Turkel





Please send us information on other groups to add to this list or information to update the above groups.