38th Representative District Democratic Committee
The 38th RD meets the first Wednesday of the month at the Big Fish Grill (30415 Cedar Neck Rd, Ocean View, DE)
Phone: 302-364-5830
Email: deldems38@gmail.com
ACLU Delaware
Indivisible Southern Delaware
Angela Pierce of Ocean View and Cheryl Siskin of Rehoboth Beach Delaware are working together to make plans to protect Delaware and Delawareans from the upcoming onslaught from the Trump administration, by starting a chapter of Indivisible, named “Indivisible Southern Delaware.”
Sussex County Democratic Committee
The Sussex County Committee meets the third Monday of the month at the headquarters.
Email: DeSussexDemocrats@gmail.com
Phone: 302-858-4310
21141 Sterling Avenue Suite 5
Georgetown, Delaware 19947
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 944
Georgetown, Delaware 19947
Sussex Preservation Coalition
Our goals include:
Forest and wetland preservation
Increasing renewable, nature-based practices
Ensuring clean waterways with healthy and abundant populations of fish and wildlife
Mitigation of the effects of severe weather event
SPC is also the sponsor of Eyes On County Council.
We are a grassroots social justice collective of Sussex County DE women and allies, collaborating to ensure women’s rights, human rights, civil liberties, and social justice for all.